5598: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nev,faj,nem,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(szuletett) AS sz,kep,statusz,meret,szor,telep,leiras,ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bekerult) AS b,descr,beschr FROM allat WHERE ID=5598 LIMIT 0,10
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány - Gregorian
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Name: Gregorian
Sex: Dog
Born: 2020.01.15.
Arrived: 2022.09.22.

If you have questions about Gregorian, please send an e-mail to !

Gregorian is a German Shepherd male dog who came into our care with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation.

We received a call from Kömlő that there is a dog whose both legs have been severed by a metal rod. He was found in the pouring rain in the street under the bushes.
Both legs were on the right side were tied with wires, and they cut into his flesh that he could not even stand up in his unfortunate condition.

Gregorian was born in January 2020 and is a male with a chip. The breeder didn't check the owners before he sold him. He required immediate medical attention but fortunately it looks like his legs will be fine after the wound heals. His condition has now allowed him to continue his convalescence in the NOÉ hospital ward. Unfortunately, he tested positive for heartworm, so we will have to deal with this problem in the future.

Gregorian is an incredibly sweet, calm tempered, large young male. We are looking for a home for him where he can be the only "apple of one's eye" of an owner who can forget all the bad things he has experienced in his life and prove to him that life is beautiful and he is a loving companion. He wants a home where he can live as a full member of the family, where he is provided with a daily occupation and a secure home for the rest of his life.

Gregorian can be adopted vaccinated, chipped and neutered.

To inquire about him and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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