If you have questions about Kázmér, please send an e-mail to !
We have received a call that a dog was lying on the field near Kerepes and he can't stand up. Animal lovers picked him up and took him to the vet. He has a chip in him but there were no phonenumber registered. Only an address in Vas county which is not exactly close by and we also found out that he was not vaccinated since 2013.
We took him to the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Clinic where he was examined. He didn't have any injuries and he is very friendly. We also did an impromptu cat compatibility test and as you can see on the picture he passed it with flying colours. He is a very friendly and sweet dog.
We are looking for a family for him where he will be loved for as long as he lives and where he will be treated as a full member.
He is chipped, vaccinated and castrated.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street from Monday till Saturday between 10am-15pm.

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