If you have questions about Söjtöri Sofőr, please send an e-mail to !
A very well organized and prepared rescue operation took place in Zala county at a puppy farm where 139 small dogs were rescued. Many Animal Rescue Organisations and the authoraties have worked together officially and legally to save those animals in need. All of the dogs were kept in small wooden rabbit cages and they were standing in their own faeces and urine. We couldn't just stand by so we helped out as well and took some of the dogs in.
One of them is Söjtöri Sofőr and he is a Pinscher male.
We took him for thorough check up and unfortunately his left eye can't be saved due to an untreated corneal ulcer. He has problems with the right eye too. It doesn't produce tears and he has a dry eye disease so his eye needs to be treated everyday with a special eye drop. We have started his immune boosting and bulk up diet.
After he will be vaccinated and neutered we will be looking for a new family for him. We want a family for him where he will be loved for as long as he lives. He has suffered so much already!
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street.

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