If you have questions about Matuka, please send an e-mail to !
Matuka is a mix male, he was born on 20.12.2015, who probably spent more time on the streets than at home in a safe place. According to our information he has had an owner since he was a little puppy, he had a place to live, but walked the streets day after day. In the last six months he had a couple of close calls with cars but he had luck. Unfortunately his luck ran out and a car hit him. He had lower arm fracture with an open wound. A nice girl who followed his life – Trixi took him to the wet. He underwent the medical tests and received primary medical care. His medical care was funded by Trixi and Ebremény Dog Protection Society. But Matuka needed a surgery, and a long rehabilitation so we took him to our animal home to give him the best medical care.
After his heeling and vaccination, chipping process he will be adoptable. We are looking for loving, responsible owners who could take care of him in his whole life.
For more information please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.

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