If you have questions about Dolce, please send an e-mail to !
Dolce is a young staffordshire terrier female mix dog who was born around summer 2014. She was in critical condition when she arrived to our foundation with her newborn babies.
Their story:
We got an emergency call in a Monday morning. The caller asked for help for his own dog who gave birth to one puppy and since then she was just crying and trembling. The ex-owner said that probably she needs caesarean operation but they don’t have enough money for that.
We were waiting for them with our veterinary team but they didn’t arrived and when we tried to call them, they didn’t answer it. We knew that somethings wrong but we couldn’t do anything.
Some days later we saw a post of a very thin Staffordshire terrier mix female dog with her puppies in the Tattooed Animal Rescue Association’s Facebook page which said that they need a fast solution for the little puppies because the mother doesn’t have milk. It turned out that the ex-owners took her to the doctor for an operation because they hoped to receive money if they could sell the puppies. But this poor thing was too weak and thin to produce milk for the puppies.
We are thankful to the Murmuczok Veterinary medical team who did the operation and to the Tattooed Animal Rescue Association for all helps they gave to us.
Dolce gave birth for 7 little puppies but unfortunately only two of them survived this terrible trauma and we had to feed them by nursing bottle because Donce couldn’t produce milk for them.
Our beautiful Dolce became stronger and bigger. Moreover, she became an amazing, energetic, well-socialized, healthy and happy young girl who loves people. She needs a loving, responsible family who can give her all what she deserves.
We are looking for consistent owner who gives her the necessary movement and also goes to the dog school with her. We need an adoptive who take care of her throughout her entire life and treats her as a real family member.
We are adopting her chipped, neutered and vaccinated. We don’t give her for those who wants to keep her only in the garden.
For more information please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. or personally at NOÉ Állatotthon foundation 1171 Budapest, Csordakút street’s end.

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