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Doglog 13-19.09.2010.

This week we focused on the preparations for the events of the weekend. We had a lot to do, although the pouring rain gave us a hell again. On the day of the Charity Concert everything had to be clean and tidy!

Unfortunately, new abandoned animals arrived to us this week as well:

Our new dogs:
Lompos (Scruffy):


Cserép (Shard):

Sapka (Hat):

And 5 puppies that were found in front of the Budapest Zoo in a paper box. They are now housed at temporary adopters and we don't have a photo of them yet, but we will make up for this neglect soon!

And a few cats were also taken in...

Make Up,

Graffiti, Indy and Jade,

they were found in this paper box one morning beside the road that leads to the shelter:

Ánizs (Anise):

We also took in 3 turtles who were too big for the small vivarium where their owner housed them.

Some of our dogs found their new homes. This week these were:

Cimbalom (Dulcimer)

Pataky Danka

a member of the Dobozos family,

Szelence (Pillbox) and Hippy.

Buflák's original owner showed up:

The cats Csepp (Raindrop) and Maggie are now enjoying a family life.

Unfortunately some of our animals had serious health problems this week.
Csombék (Knotty), Ivan and Rotipicúr (Little Rottweiler) fell ill. We ran to the vet with Rotipicúr immediately but it was already too late: a few minutes after she got the infusion she left us forever. We still don't know what caused her death; the autopsy will hopefully give an answer. We will receive the results from the Veterinary University next week.

Rotipicúr was everyone's favourite, an extraordinary friendly and loving dog who made friends with all our visitors. We will miss her a lot!

Ivan and old Csombék received a quick medical treatment and now they are better. Both of them were diagnosed with babesiosis.

The 3 little hedgehogs housed at the shelter are still not big enough to be set free in nature, so now they moved to a temporary adopter where they can spend the whole winter if necessary.

As we said, we were preparing for the Charity Concert of the weekend. The boys were working very hard to finish the fence of the playground; the others were busy doing the cleaning and setting up the tents.

Saturday morning everything was ready, even though it seemed that we would have a really nasty weather:

But luckily, the sun started shining at noon, and nothing could spoil the good mood. We will post a longer report of this day soon, but now let's see some pictures!


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