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Click for a bowl of food!

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There are other means to help us and our animals, voluntary work and money donation are not the only options. Please take a minute and join the Pedigree Adoption Program on Facebook! By doing this, you can automatically donate one bowl of food to an animal shelter. You can vote which animal shelter should get the donations collected this way.
All you have to do is log in to Facebook, search for the Pedigree Adoption Program page (in Hungarian: Pedigree Örökbefogadási Program), click “like”, and then choose the animal shelter you would like to support on the website. Donations are collected until 30 September. The shelter that most people voted for will get the food on 4 October, the World Animal Day.
One person can donate food only to one shelter.
Altogether 1806 bowls of food were donated until 02.06.2010.


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