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A bulldog shelter is our Christmas dream

A high number of bulldogs arrive at our shelter, the capacity of our devoted temporary adopters is limited, and there are always more bulldogs waiting to be rescued. Therefore, it is urgent to find a solution to house our dogs of this sensitive breed.
Our medical room is sometimes filled with the rescued bulldogs alone. However, there are other injured, sick animals brought to our shelter that need housing and medical treatment.
The weather as well as our financial position does not allow us to be engaged in a major construction work, even though it would be crucial to find a long-term solution to the problem of housing bulldogs, as the number of bulldogs under our care is increasing at an astonishing pace. At the time the Bulldog Rescue Project started nobody had expected that so many of this expensive, sensitive breed can be abandoned. Moreover, in most cases the bulldogs that end up in our shelter are ill or in a poor physical condition.
We have been looking for a properly heated container house for a while. The price of such an installation (in a second-hand purchase) is around 300-500,000 HUF. One of these could be transformed into a small medical room and could function as a shelter for bulldogs.
The heated container house could be placed in the area of the shelter without problems. The size of the container house is 16 m2; between the inner and outer cover of the walls there is a layer of foam in order to make the insulation better. It has no window, so we have to equip it with an air coonditioner before the summer comes. We took a couple of photos of the container we have seen, however, we would like to find the cheapest one still suitable for our needs.

The total costs of the implementation of the bulldog shelter will be 500-600,000 HUF based on preliminary calculations. This sum covers the inside equipment as well as heating, air conditioning, water supply, kennels, beds for the dogs, and a cabinet for medicines.
Unfortunately, time is passing, and the weather conditions make it urgent to have the new bullldog shelter up and running as soon as possible, as the remaining free kennels in the shelter are not ideal for healthy bulldogs either. Now they must be housed in kennels which do not provide the necessary comfort for this sensitive breed.
We kindly ask all of our volunteers and supporters to contribute to the bulldog shelter, even with the smallest amount of money. Please make your transfer to the bank account of the Bulldog Rescue Project: OTP Bank 11710002-20085023. Please add „bulldog shelter“ in the „note“ section.
The names of those donating 10,000 HUF or more will be displayed (with their permission) on a plate on the bulldog shelter building.


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