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How you can help?

The biggest help is, if you adopt one of our abandoned fosterlings. This way you support us twice. On one hand, you give a new home for an indigent animal; on the other hand we are able to take other dog or cat in need into our care.

It is possible to adopt an animal virtually. There are a lot of abandoned, rescued pets available for adoption on our website that you can chose from. Please check out the pets available for adoption as well as our permanent residents (the latter, even though they are not looking for a new owner, are also available for virtual adoption). If you find one you would like to sponsor, please click „Virtual adoption” on the animal's datasheet.

You can also help us by informing your friends and family about our work in the rescue center, or by making them aware of the importance of responsible animal keeping, proper animal care and feeding. You can also support us by inserting our banner into your website, as it might guide a potential sponsor or adopter to our website and to our animals in need. Please click Download to find our banner.

If you cannot visit us regularly, but you are ready to join a group of animal lovers founded with the sole purpose of supporting our shelter, please do not hesitate to join our Animal Support Club!

The animal shelter is grateful for any type of donations, be it a small amount of money, volunteer help, food or anything our homeless animals need. You can find a list of the items our residents need the most (medicines, food, leashes etc.) on our website, under the "Tips for donation?" tab.

If you would like to provide financial support for the pets of our shelter, please transfer your donation to the following account number:

From a Hungarian bank account:

Name of bank: OTP Bank
Account number: 11710002-20083777

From a foreign bank account:
Name of bank: OTP Bank
Address of bank: 1102. Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6. Budapest, Hungary
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000

You can use online banking as well. Please find more details about the online donation here.

Making a bequest

It is quite unusual in Hungary to make a bequest on behalf of animal shelters and hand the animal of the deceised over to an animal home, although a pet often means the only company, friend and family an old person has. It is our experience that inheritors usually try to get rid of such pets as soon as possible, and the animal ends up in a shelter, scared and confused. A pet that served and loved its owner unconditionally does not deserve to be treated this way!

If you care for your pet, you can make a bequest in your will and leave your pet to our shelter where we will provide the animal with the love and care it needs.
Do not hesitate to ask for more information about this option. Please send us a mail to the e-mail address.

Please come and visit us to make sure that your donation is being used for the care and supply of our animals in the shelter!


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