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Can you help us to help Xena?

I can honestly say that Siren's death hit me much harder than I had hoped. Maybe it was the 2 weeks of struggle and hope. And we saw that she was struggling too, and that made the failure, her death, even more cruel. 💔 But life doesn't give you much rest... 😢 She is Xena and was found in Debrecen under a bush in this condition. She is currently in hospital, of course, at the Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre. She is in a lot of pain, she is in a terrible state of neglect. 😢😢😡💔 Whatever happened to her, her condition didn't get this far in 2 days. When she is not in pain she is a lovely dog.
She came into the care of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation with the help of the Football Fans for Animals Foundation. 🙏
It's going to be a long ride, and a black bull type, so we know she's not for the faint of heart. To us, she is a dog in huge trouble and we want to give her back her health, her confidence, her faith, her LIFE!

Can you help us give her back her hope?
Thank you if you can contribute to her vet costs 🙏

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

Thank you! ❤️🙏


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