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It is the 1 year of the Going with you Programme!

It is the 1 year of the Going with you Programme! 🥰 The Invisible Leash Method & Programme - Dömötör Júlia's professional page on her project for shelter dogs 🩵
In the autumn of 2022, the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation was the first place where the trainee trainers of the program came to learn about the process of adoption and the operation of a shelter in order to help as trainers.
The Veled Megyek Program's mission is to provide an Invisible Leash Method approach to education through a coercion-, abuse- and punishment-free
- to prepare puppies for life as owners.
- As a participant in the program, they are given a platform on the program and trainers' pages to become visible to their prospective owners.
- trusting that the "learned" puppies will be even more happy to take home with them!
- help the adoption process from the very beginning, from the selection of the dog, through the introduction to the dog, to the homecoming, and even
- once home, the dog's previous trainer is happy to continue teaching, and a discount on the training fee is offered to dogs participating in the programme.
At NOÉ Animal Shelter, Class 5 started this week 🙏🩵 this time, special attention will be given to the "rehomed" double litter. 💔
Dear Melinda, Juli and all the helping trainers 🥰 we can't be thankful enough for what we do with our protegés‼️🙏


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