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Today's love proposal is from #Bounty, who has been a resident for 12‼️ years at the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation... In 12 years there hasn't been a single real interest 😢 now he's turning grey, a bit beat up, not in the best of health, but we'd give anything to see him experience the warmth of a home. 🙏❤️

Unfortunately, Bounty joins the ranks of those who have spent practically most of their lives in the shelter. She doesn't know what it's like to have her head stroked while watching TV, he's never felt the warmth of home, and he's never been loved by anyone as her own dog. ☹

Bounty was too a very serious watchdog! 💪 Of course, nowadays people can't believe that they would have been afraid of him in the past because of his serious attitude. He's been living in the warming area for the elderly at NOÉ for 2 years now.

On Saturday walks, he gallops through the crowds at a mad pace, hoping to be hugged and stroked to death by all the people. For Bounty, a very comfortable soft bed for his old bones is important in everyday life. In the mornings and during the day, no matter when or how many times, he demands physical contact: snuggled up against your leg with his charming cheeks smiling at you for back and ear scratches, it's a must for him! ❤️

His special superpower: the best babysitter for puppies! It was a complete accident that we found out how good he is with young puppies! It's very touching the patience with which he nurtures them, teaches them, cares for them. The puppies that come out from under his paws are visibly more cooperative and better behaved than their peers. Seriously, if we hadn't seen more than one case with our own eyes, we wouldn't believe it was true! ❤️

Sweet little old angel deserves to finally get the special attention he has given to so many puppies, helping them become rehomed and settle into their new families. We really hope that now it is his turn, someone will fall in love with him and give him what he has been waiting for for many, many years... a happy life! He deserves it! Go Bounty! 🙏🥰

To inquire about him and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm, or visit

Bounty's DATASHEET: Bounty


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