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Let's start with the most special, charming and inimitable guy currently living at Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation, Lütyő ‼️

#Lütyő is a little - well a lot - different. Probably his daddy was Jani Raggedy Legs... doctors say he has a brain development disorder, but we think he was just in a really good mood (although he might have been a bit of a spaz...) when he "made" Lütyesz. He was in a good mood and scribbled back and forth with the creator's pen, which is why this puppy has such funny movements.

Whatever the doctors might say, we soon discovered that there was nothing wrong with Lütyő's brain function, in fact. It's true that his movements are weird and mercurial, it's true that he sometimes fidgets and when he's extra excited about his lunch, for example, he stands on his head. 🙂 But he's an exceptionally smart, docile, adaptable and endlessly kind and affectionate dog.
For example, when he goes on his beloved walks, he knows that his zigzagging movements make it a bit difficult to put the collar on, so he holds on to our legs for support to make him more stable. 🫠

He is an extremely open, happy, young dog who loves everything and everyone. I've noticed that when we say his name on our lips, everyone who knows him will smile. You can't help but love him. ❤️

Honestly, I don't know if there will be anyone who will give Lütyő a chance at a happy life. Someone who sees him not as a sick dog, but as the most special dog in the world, who can only be adored. Someone who will love him as much as we love him. 🥰

One thing I do know for sure, though, is that anyone who comes for him and doesn't stop until they get home will be making one of the best decisions of all, by giving Lütyő a chance at true happiness. 🙏

For more information and to book a personal meeting, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit

Datasheet: Lütyő


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