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Christmas celebration for the animals in the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation!

Christmas for Animals at the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation 2022!
On SATURDAY, 17 December 2022, we will organise the traditional Christmas for Animals at Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation.
1171 Budapest, Csordakút street end
Date: 17 December 2022, Saturday between 11 am and 2 pm
Please think of our rescued pets this Christmas with the love we do, as most of them have already gone through suffering and adversity that we cannot imagine. They can't tell us, so often only their sad eyes and months of terror show us what they have been through.
The small team at NOÉ Animal Shelter - carers and volunteers - try to give them everything we can, but we would be nothing without the NOÉ family behind us! We make no secret of the fact that we need your help too!
We ask you all, as is our tradition, to surprise one of our protégés with a little something.
Of course, it's not only our puppies and kittens that can be surprised; any other pet can be chosen as a Christmas Pet! For example, the residents of our farmyard are most happy with cornmeal, corn, seed mixes, vegetables and fruit.
All of our breeding and special projects have Christmas dreams and wishes, and we write a detailed letter to Jesus about them. 😃
We encourage everyone to choose a Christmas Pet from the shelter's residents and give them a present on Saturday 17 December!
Hot tea, mulled wine, home-made cakes and lots of love await everyone!


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