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Totyi needs a favor

"I am Totyi, a known kidney patient since I was 2 months old. I'm on renal formula and ipakitine powder to keep me alive and symptom free.
Can you help me stay alive?"
Totyi, whose real name is Cukorka_Pez, is permanently on special formula and renal-sparing medication. Without it, he pees every 5 minutes and he drinks the Danube river dry. It is very important that he eats this so that he can live happily, if not for 10 years, then for as long as possible, once he is born sick 💔
Unfortunately, none of them are cheap, but Totyo eats them with gusto. His ration is measured out exactly every day and even so, he eats 1 kg of food in 3-4 days 😏
If you are willing and able to support Totyo's well-being, we would really appreciate it 💖🙏
We are also looking for an owner here, even if he is not in the picture 😁 A wonderful family who are not interested in the number of years we have spent together, but in my wonderful, kind personality and immense kindness...
At Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation we are always happy to receive these for our dogs with kidney disease, a little goes a long way 😊💙
🧩donations are gratefully accepted in the donation box at the gate of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation (1171 Budapest, end of Csordakút u.) 🙏
📦 If you would like to place an order for our shelters, please send it to the same address


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