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Dear Visitors and Walkers!
COVID-19 has reached us, several members of our team have been infected. In order not to endanger the care of the animals, the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation will be CLOSED from today until further notice to reduce the number of cases and the risk of infection!
There will be no visitors, walks or other community activities at this time.
Our central phone number - 06 30 221 1299 - is open from Monday to Saturday between 10:00 and 15:00!
(Please be patient, due to the constant overload on this number!)
The adoptions are still taking place, you can come by appointment to meet your new family member.
To enter the NOÉ Animal Shelter area, you MUST WEAR A MASK THAT COVERS YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH!
Thank you for your understanding in helping us to protect the shelter staff, who continue to care for 1,200 animals on a daily basis.

We trust that with discipline, attention and cooperation, we will soon overcome this crisis and meet again in person!

NOÉ Animal Shelter team


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