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We are looking for Verdell's owner!

He was found in Újszilvas yesterday, so he was taken into the care of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation. Thank you to Nagy Marian and the Tisza Association for not leaving him alone and getting him to our vet extra fast. He was immediately taken to the South Pest Veterinary and Surgical Centre as both his eyes were in critical condition. One eye has a harder gland prolapse irritating the cornea, the other eye has a deep ulceration and pus-filled ocular inflammation. 😢
Verdell male dog has a chip but it is not registered 😡

We have a legal obligation to find the original owner, but we will have some questions... Please contact us at

Verdell needs 3 eye drops dripped into his eyes 4-6 times a day to have a chance of saving his eyes. If the inflammation goes down a bit, he will need surgery, which will of course be preceded by an ophthalmological check-up soon.
Thank you if you can help her recovery with your support, as you know that we are doing it all together!

Please support his surgery and recovery!

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

Thank you! ❤️🙏


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