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Demo, our miracle

At the beginning of September, she came into the care of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation in a terrible condition, thanks to the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation. His fur was falling out, his skin was hot, inflamed, sore and painful. His skinny, shrunken little body had almost no muscle. His whole tiny little being told us that he must have lived in very bad conditions since birth. After a full external and internal parasite treatment and medical examination, she has to be bathed with two daily medicated shampoos, given medication and of course the best immune boosters and hair and skin conditioners. He was a submissive, cooperative, taciturn little boy. He has now shed his hair nicely and is in a very good mood. We have now been able to start his vaccination programme and he will soon be spayed. And now the rounding up begins!
We are looking for an owner for Demo who can forget all the bad things he has experienced in his life and prove to him that life is beautiful and he is a lovable companion.
He can bring so much joy and happiness to his beloved owner. We are only looking for a home where he can be a full member of the family. We hope that the Angel who has been waiting for him will come and give him all that he may not have received so far in a safe home and love worthy of a dog, a family member.

Demo can be adopted vaccinated, chipped and neutered.
To inquire about him and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 12 99, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or write to


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