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The fruits of our labor

When people ask us what is the fruits of our labor and why are we do it we just show them.

These 2 girls are Emma and Lilli ❤️ who have been visiting our animal home with their parents on a regular basis and have been doing it for a long time. They take our dogs for a walk or just give care and love. 🥰

Sörike the big white dog is a young caucasian like big male dog. In his previous life he lived tied to a pole. He was never loved, he was afraid of people and everything has scared him to death… 😪
Look at him now ❤️ He is ready to be rehomed!!!

The black beauty is Zizi, the bullterrier dog who was used in dog fights. He is an exibit in the police investigation. She came into our care last year when an illegal dog fighting ring was eliminated in Nagykörös. She had fresh wound on her and she was pregnant. 💔😡 We want a new family for her after the investigation is over. 🙏

Look at these dogs and these 2 girls. See the miracle! ❤️❤️


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