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Sylvi needs a family

Sylvi March, 2021 😪 June, 2021. június 💪❤️
Sylvi was tortured, his skin was burnt and he was found tied to a tree and the rope was so tight around his neck that his head became oedematous. She came into our care and 3 months later and all of her wounds have almost healed. A miracle has happened and all we need now is a family for her which will not hurt her and well never leave her! 🙏❤

Sylvi is about a 6 years old, neutered Vizsla like female dog. She is smart and active dog who needs to go to dog school and play with other dogs.

For more information please call 0036302211299 (from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am till 15:00pm) or write to If you wish to see him in person please call to make an appointment.


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