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We are open again!

We are thrilled to anounce that the Noah's Ark Foundation is open again!
Thanks to the newest regulation we could open our doors again and you can come and pet our animals and take the dogs for walks. 🙂 We and the animals have missed you all. We have missed the bustle and your love when you visit us.
There are still a few rules that you need to keep:
-the maximum amount of people that can be at once in the animal home are 500
- you have to keep a minimum of 1,5 meters from one another
- at the meeting-points where large amount of people can gather at once like bathrooms, farm yard, pick up point for dogs to take them for a walk, it is suggested to wear a mask.
- Families who want to adopt have to make an appointment in advance (Please, call this number: 06302211299 from monday to friday from 10:00am to 15:00 pm or write to
- For Saturday dog walks you need to register in advance. You will find the registration link on our Facebook site every week.

Opening ours:
Monday-Saturday from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm
Sunday from 10:00 am to 14:00 pm
Adress: Budapest, 17th district the end of Csordakút street

We are looking forward seeing you again!


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