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An extra helping "hand" in a form of Burgimmune Premium Immunestrengthening powder

The Burgimmune Prémium Immunerősítő Kombináció powder is immune strengthener in powder form that helped the thousand years old Textina to get into this great shape. She is doing well after having a big breast cancer removal surgery and she also has dirofilária immitis.
She was the one who lived in an abandoned airport for a few months and god knows how she stayed alive for that long. 🤷‍♀️
Thanks to the Foundation of Animal Protection in Füzesabony she was rescued and brought to us. 🏚️💕
This wonderful dog is in saftety now but she has to battle with stage 1 heart worms disease and she has ulcerous breast cancer. In this fight the Burgimmune Prémium Immunerősítő Kombináció powder helps her too.

Since she is in stage 1 with the heart worm disease it was possible to operate on her and remove the tumors. Thankfully the tumor didn't metastisize. Her mood is great, she eats well and she is full of. Her treatment against the heartworms has also started which the new owner has to continue.

These days Textina spends her days in the office in our animal home charming everyone who comes in. 😍🙏


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