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We are open for dog walkers!

We are opening up our animal home for anyone who wants to walk our dogs on saturday mornings.
To insure the safety of our animals and our workers we are still closed but starting from 23rd of May, 2020 we are restarting our saturday dog walking practice. Our protegés have been waiting for this for 2 months and they will be very happy to go for walks again.
There are a few rules you have to obey:
- You need to register in advance and then you can walk our dogs at 10:00, 11:00 or 12:00
REGISTER HERE!- You can go for a walk with a dog for 45 minutes
- The dog walker has to be over 18 and 1 adult can walk 1 dog
- Entry is permitted only to those who register.
- If somebody wants to walk more dogs then it is ok to register for different times
- In the animal home you need to wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth
- You need to keep 2 meters distance minimum from each other

We are looking forward seeing you again.


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