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Blöff is waiting for a Christmas miracle!

My name is Blöff and I have been waiting for you for a long time. The girls here say that you will come for me and I believe them. It could be that you were already here but my eyes are not what they used to be so I might have not seen you. Also I am not too tall and I could be that you didn't see me but I know you will come and I will be waiting. The others who have owner are saying things like they have their very own bed, being in a warm room, they have a comfy couch and a hand that pets them often. At nights I keep dreaming of you and I am waiting for you! ❤️

On saturdays Blöff likes to escort people and dogs on their walks. He greets everyone with a lot of love hoping somebody is coming for him. It didn't happen yet but we will never give up hope.

The only word we can use for him is that he is PERFECT ❤️❤️❤️


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