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Water shortage is still a problem at our Szergény division. Please, help!

As we reported earlier our shelter in Szergény is in trouble. Last week our well water which supplies the water for the dogs has went to a all time low water level and the pump only sucked air. We have receive extra qiuck help from the fire department of Celldömölk. They brought water to the shelter. In order the solve the well problem we had to call experts to check the well, clean it and check the pump as well. It took 2 days to finish the job and it cost us about 100000,-huf about 350 euro.

In spite of all these we have to check the water level of the well morning-midday-evening. It looks like our fear is not unfounded because for unknown reason the water level remains low and we have only so much water so we can do the necessary cleaning and giving water to the dogs. The other needed watering and any extra water that we would need we cover from the dirty and warm water that the animals don’t drink.
The situation remains critical and it looks like we/the dogs could be in big trouble in any moment.

We do have another well at the shelter but it is out of service at the moment.

These things cost a lot of money and it is difficult to finance it since we had a lot of unexpected expenses and our reserves are very low.
Angels, we are asking for your help for our dogs in Szergény so we can supply water to our animals safely and continuously.

If you wish to make a donation you can make it the following ways:

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

Thank You!


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