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Lives sealed in a bag

There are no limits to animal cruelty!

These three 5 weeks old puppies were found on the weekend in a closed bag at the entrance of the M0 ring. It was pure luck that a boy saw from the car that the bag was moving and his parents stopped to check it out. If the puppies stayed in the bag they would have froze to death. If they gotten out of it they would have been ran over on the busy intersection.

With the babies came quite a few worms and judging their milk smelling poo they were with their mother until now. It looks like someone decided to get rid of the unwanted litter which happened because of an irresponsibility of a person. The puppies are eating the starter food, which were provided by you angels for the Kevin’s.

We gave them the name of Szatyor family and they will be adoptable in a couple of weeks.

We would be grateful if you could support us with some more starter food for them!

Thank you!


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