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White’s second immiticide injection

It is surprising but 1 month has passed since White had her first heart worm treatment. Today and tomorrow she will have his two most difficult days because in 48 hours she will get 2 Immiticide injection which has arsenic in them. She is lying on the operating table because she will get the injection in anesthesia.

Since her first treatment she was confined in a small kennel and she wasn’t allowed to move much. She handled the situation very well and she was very cooperative.

She was very happy today that finally after the long confinement she was going out to have fun. She was very friendly with everyone at the vet’s waiting room. She wagged her tail happily and smiled a lot. Her joy didn’t last long because under the caring hand of Dr. Tímea Lackó she went to sleep again.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for this sweet dog. She needs to get this injecktion today and tomorrow and comes another month in confinement but after that the reward is worth it. She can live without heartworms and be healthy again. 4 of our protegés have heart worms. Szemcsi, Franny and Kalóz had the catheter surgery and are going for a check up soon. Keres Emil’s treatment is pending.

Dirofilaria immitis is not an urban legend anymore and it is not something that only happens in far away exotic places. It is here in Hungary and it is making dogs sick. Treatment is risky, painful and expensive. Prevention is the only way to go! Protect your dog!

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