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BLACK CAT DAY – Saturday 26th november, 2016

The adoptive day for black animals!

The emag Hungary company and Noah’s animal home foundation jointly organised the first black animal adoptive day/
Location: Noah’s animal home – 1171 Budapest, end of Csordakút street
Time: Saturday 26th november, 2016 between 10-13 pm

Of course not just black animals can be rehomed that day but on this day which is the day after the eMAG Black Friday we want to draw attention to these animals because people tend to overlook them.
So on Saturday there will be a lot of black dogs and cats who need a new home so don’t hesitate to come!

In addition to adoptions you can also take our dogs for a walk, visit our Catcafe or the Noah’s webshop.
Come and spend the day with us and with our animals! The weather forcast says that it will a mild and sunny day, which is ideal!

We would like to thank you for help and support because we will receive the generous 500000,-huf (about 1600 euro) donation from eMAG Hungary on Saturday.


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