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Thank you for Inecto Hungary's campaign!

The Inecto Hungary’s Noah supporting campaign with vegan beauty product ended. It was conducted between May and August 2016.

During the campaign period you purchased 48 621 pieces Inecto Naturals product so we received a donation of 340 350 huf (about 1130 euros). We received the money, we thank you and we are very grateful for your support! The donation went to the best place because our hundred years old refrigerator container has broke this summer. There was nothing to do, so we had to build a new one. It is necessary to have one so we can proparly care and feed our animals.
It was a double pleasure to take part in the campaign, in which the products were not tested on animals and these vegan products don’t contain any ingredients of animal origin.
We totally recommend you Inecto’s products because these are totally vegan and if you buy these you can contribute the preservation of our nature!

The products can be purchased in the DM and Rossmann, Auchan and Tesco.

The products can be purchased in the webshop too:

Once again, thanks a lot!


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