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Tigris news!

Our sweet, beloved dog Tiger is beyond the umpteenth stroke and now back on his feet. When we went to the vet with Tiger who wasn’t himself on Friday, honestly we were afraid that this would not be such a happy post we would have to write about him. Our fear grew because the vets exchanged worried glances. He was in a very bad condition but the doctors tried to do everything for him immediately. He received Infusion right away and whatever else he needed.

They have known him for about two years because he had a couple of smaller or bigger health problems and he has had a few strokes. But so far he has always recovered and went back to the farmyard happily shaking his tail, grinning, full of joy and chasing the girls of the Noah hospital courtyard. He is 15 years old and we really really want him to come home from the hospital, to see him grinning and running towards us for cuddles!

We need you back from the hospital for a little more love and care. Come on Tiger, you'll be with us soon again!

Thank you for all your support it has helped and it is really good for him - do not stop it!


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