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Gáspár, the goose

Do you remember our goose Yellow, who was found in the middle of the highway and must have fallen off a truck?

Yellow, the goose found on M0 highway

Luckily he is ok by now, his injuries were only superficial and now he got companion.

Gáspár was a family pet for 5 years, but he took over the family; therefore they were looking for a goose loving place where he won't end up in the soup and he will be loved and handled well. They could not have found a better place for him than the Noe Animal Shelter.

Gáspár is used to human company, he usually walks into the office to check whether there is anything he can help with or if there is work to do. He almost took command from Kincy as well. I won't be suprised if he would give the next report...

You can also meet him soon at the barnyard (just manage to escape)


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