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Yellow, the goose found on the M0 highway

There was an unexpected participant in today’s traffic on the highway, a goose parked in the inside lane…an injured goose sitting there to be exact…it’s neither something common nor right and really dangerous!

Luckily for our goose friend, a kind hearted person found him and didn’t hesitate to help him. He took in the injured bird and brought it straight to us. It seems he only has some bruise on the head and feet so we sent him to our bird vet and hope not to have any serious injuries... Because
he arrived to us in a yellow taxi, we named him Yellow. :D
We are waiting for the medical result and hoping for a quick recovery so that he can join the Noe goose team. And how could he have been in the middle of the M0 highway? We think he might have fallen off from a transporter lorry... :( He is not afraid of humans at all, he was very nice with us, and only the curious dogs got on his nerves a bit. :D

Wish for him not to have any serious injuries and get well soon!


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