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Goat or lamb? That is the question….

On the 11th of February a new life has been born and became a protégée of Noe Animal Shelter.

This little lamb was born to a very bad place, him Mum was in a very bad shape, and she couldn’t take care about her. Luckily we could rescue him.

Meanwhile the little lamb got a name: ‘’Felhő’’ (Cloud in English). The name came from one our sponsor.

Cloud is a miracle. He has a lot of vitality; he is always jumping around and brings smile to everybody’s face. He has to be fed multiple times per day with a bottle so he is living inside of the house. All the other animals were curious about him at first but soon he became equal part
of the family.

Not only have the animals liked Cloud also the children at Noe took him as little brother.

Lots of people asked on facebook if we are sure he is a lamb, because he looks more like a goat. For example he is brown and not white. Well, for the skeptical here is some photo about the flock where he was born:

Well if any of them delivers a goat than not only going to be breaking news but will go to the Guinness Record’s Book too.
Lambs are brownish-yellowish when they born. The head, neck, legs, and front side of the body is brownish and the rest is yellowish. And sometimes they are completely brown.

We got an almost completely brown lamb.


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