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Bála Family News

Here is a heartwarming story for today, I think we are badly in need of this.

Do you remember the bony and startled-eyed, but still gorgeous dog Bála Bella and her 5 tiny doggies?

The soggily and overchilled puppies with the frightened mom arrived 9 days ago. Now we are glad to inform you that they are very well. Bella is a very committed mother who takes care of her 5 tiny doggies perfectly and at the same time she managed to get some weight on. She has calmed down. Instead of fear, cosiness and trust is reflected in her eyes. The puppies are chubby and they suckle absolute perfectly at full stretch. We are sure that there are just a few days left till a new world, because it’s time for eyes-opening.

We would like to ask you for your patience for a short time, because we still don’t know how they will look like or how big they will be. So we still cannot give any information regarding adoption.

Please keep your fingers crossed for the family’s safe and healthy growth.

If you want to see more sweet pictures of the doggies please visit:


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