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Mandala and Kincy were on MOKKA on TV2

Kincy was on the morning show called MOKKA on channel TV2 this morning, with Mandala the thai wondercat.

The conversation was about american kids going to cat shelters to read stories, so the cats have company and they feel loved, and the kids can practice reading. Kinga Schneider, the spokeswoman of the NOE Animal Shelter, and Dr Jozsef Topal, ethologist also took part in the discussion with Mandala on MOKKA.

Kinga announced its very likely that kids could soon enjoy a similar activity in the NOE Animal Shelter.

The original article can be read HERE!

The TV2’s MOKKA morning show can be watched in Hungarian HERE!

Mandala is looking for a home!!!

Our colleagues from Illatos street asked for help on behalf of Mandala. He is a 10 years old Thai tom cat. He has already been adopted, but unfortunately he didnt get on well with other cats, so we suggest to have him as a singleton. We dont recommend him for homes with kids either.

Besides he is a very kind, cuddly, people orientated cat. And he is very loud: he comments on everything that happens to him or around him. His voice is very charismatic indeed.

We are looking for applications from potential adoptive families with no cats, determined owners who can cope well with special sound frequency to the following email:

Please help him to find a nice home as soon as possible.


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