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Dog Log 13.01-26.01.2014

So, here is the first snow this year, that everybody is extremely and obviously happy about. However, not that much. It is cold, the roads are slippery, it is more difficult to get to NOÉ to go for a walk with dogs and so on. Even though it is winter or what else? Our protégés consider this the same way as we, most of them expected snowfall with pleasure. They were running, playing tag, digging the snow and rolling in it, so they enjoyed it such „as animals”,
but they are animals, aren’t they?

1, I am bored. Nothing happens.
2, It is snowing! Come on!!
3, Hey Miksa, look at this! It is really snowing!
4, We are coming!
5, Auu! Listen!
6, What’s up? Are you coming?
7, You can’t catch me! Hm, we’ll see it.. I’m coming too!
8, Ahh, I’ll give up! I got exhausted…

While Miksa, Bertold, Maszk, Suba and the two bears Simba and Banya were perform this cartoon, we were thinking about them. They are happy, well-ballanced, enjoying the fresh
snow, they are playing, chaffing eachother, so it seems that they feel well here. They don’t have any fear or concern in contrast with us.

Winter is a kind of bugaboo for the NOÉ’s volunteers. Not because we feel cold or the daily routine is more difficult owing to the slippery, harder circumstances, no, not because of these. We are concerned about the fact, that how could the old, sick, weaker and hopeless residents bear the upcoming weeks. Winter is beautiful actually, because it is white, shiny and so clear. But what is the winter evenings about? Which are dark, freezing and windy?

„Demény a kötsög”, who is a vizslablogger, demonstrated that our less lucky protégés can also think: „ Being cold and afraid is the worst in a shelter. Being cold in winter-night and being afraid that you never won’t be chosen by nobody, because there always be another dog by the side of you, who is nicer, younger, cleverer. This is the reason why we, volunteers have reservations against winter. Our protégés are cheerful in the morning, happy and playful in the day-time, but how about nights? They can hear that the wind is blowing, or only the deep silence, while they are concentrating on heating of their house with all over their body to bear somehow the long night again.

There are some protégés, who gave up…

Our granddad Mikardo also gave up. Mikardo got into the care of NOÉ’s Animal-home almost 2 years ago. The more than 10 years old dog arrived from master, in spite of this, he was nothing only skin and bone and his blindness was the cherry on top. We don’t know how long he was being in this aggravating situation, but everything terrified him. He was
glamourous with people, he nestled to them, gave kisses, but he couldn’t get on well with dogs. As he began to find his way around here, his hot-headed behaviour broke out, so
unfortunately he couldn’t go out with the other old dog sin the farmyard. His temperament was unbelievable, if he went for a walk, you could see only a pushy brown ball. What is
more, he often went for a walk, because such unsociable he was with dog, so sweet and nice he was with people. So a lot of people came to the NOÉ almost only because of him.

We really wanted him to have an own family, where he is being dealt all the time with, he is loved alone, however his Angel didn’t come. He left us really suddenly without any sign.

There is only one thing that console us, where he is now, over the rainbow, he can run free, walk all day, see the curiosities of world so he surely gets on well with the other dogs also. The fact that 7, which means SEVEN, puppies found new masters last Saturday could compensate the bad news and loss. With this, the date 25.01.2014 fixed in our mind as a memorable date, because nowadays it was a big number if one puppy could find a new home at Saturdays, but not seven! We hope that this trend will continue and more previous puppies or adult members of us will find a loving family soon. Look at the family protégés from the 25th January.

Pakolás Sunfleur

Pakolás Lush

Pakolás Zamian

Pakolás Freeman


Pakolás Himalaya és Keve Opál (there aren’t any pictures of them owing to a technical problem unfortunately). And others, who finds masters in last 2 weeks:

Lovas Shagya

Katedra Matek



The castration of Bonny the Hungarian vizslababy is done and his master came us to sign the last agreement about the adoption.

7 young or just adult dogs arrived for the place of the puppies who are living in a family now.

We rescued Nyilas and Szűz from bad conditions with the help of Rescue and Patrol Team of Újpest and Police. The dogs were immediately confiscated in the course of police process
and NOÉ were charged with placing them and looking after them by a vet until the end of the case or until the owner’s giving up.

Nyilas is roughly 1,5 years old, well-educated, clever male dog. His ears are amputated for certain reasons. His previous master probably tried to prove for people in this way that

the most important part of his body is not below the average, or just the opposite, that everybody can be a big guy with this minimal size of that. We suggest Nyilas for a strong master. He gets on well with other dogs. He is slightly dominant, but he doesn’t start fighting. He loves sticks and he likes taking them back.

Szűz (formally known as Szuzy), used to be probably in people’s armes a lot sometimes in her puppyhood. She has grown up a little since then, but she hasn’t change her behaviour. She tries to climb into somebody’s lap everytime when she can and nestles and gives kisses. Probably she has no sense that she weighs 40 kilos and it is difficult to keep her in arms. Szűz is the opposite of Nyilas, she is funny, cheerful, she is about 1,5 years old an dshe has extrem demand on running. She had problem with her eyes (harder eye) which requested surgery treatment.

Morzsa was found nowhere, we didn’t confiscate him. His own family abandoned him. The 3,5 years old Hungarian vizsla Morzsi was left by his first master in 2011 because their lifestyle wasn’t the same. He lived with a temporary master, then he was adopted within 3 months. Morzsi was my dog (editor). He was living with me in this 3 months. It meant to me as if he had always been mine. This is the reason why I gave him to his new owners with heavy heart in February 2012. I was provocative and strict according to the report of his previoius masters and that is why people always wrap up in NOÉ. Well, I am and we are this kind of people because in spite of all of my strictness after a little more than 6 months he was sent into the garden although I gave him to live only and exclusively into a flat. Furthermore despite all of my harshness they didn’t accept that a vizsla has to move a lot and the masters have to deal with it. So it could happen that this perfectly well-balanced, ungainly, big male vizsla who is friendly and gets on well with everybody is looking for a new master again. We are searching now a now owner who is aware of characteristics of this type of dogs and understands that a vizsla needs care. Definitely.

Lolita, who is an 8-10 months old spaniel-setter kind of dog, was found in the 19th district at the corner of Kossuth-Zalaegerszegi streets on 19.01.2014. Unfortunately she hasn’t got any chip, but she wore a black collar.

We are looking for her own master!

Pongyola, who is probably a mixture of Briard, approximately 1 year old female dog, was found at new years eve (01.01.2014.) at Rákoshegy. Finding of her own master didn’t work and her finders could keep her in their home, so she arrived to our Animal-home. She didn’t have any chip or identity. Pongyola is a really nice and friendly teddy-dog. However, unfortunately, a low fence couldn’t mean an obstacle for her, so we recommend her to live in a flat or house with a secure fence.

Lüszi, that kind of dachshund female dog was found in the 16th district. She had a chip but unfortunately any phone number or e-mail address wasn’t registered to the data base. She had some strange symptoms related to nervous system, so we immediately take her to the vet. Her owner came for her in two days and her treatment will continue at home.

This is a good example where we can see how important the chip is! However is not enough to be in the dog’s body but it is really important to take care of giving current and correct details into the data base. If the master of Lüszi had given a phone number, she would have been at home that day already.

Repce, who is a kind of female vizsla and about 10 months old, was found in Pécel at the railway station on the 26.01.2014. Unfortunately she didn’t have any chip, but she wore a white and extremely tight collar.

We are looking for her own master!

Bertold is about 2-3 years old male dog, was found on the Péceli street (17th district, Budapest) on the 25.01.2014. He didn’t have any chip unfortunately and he didn’t wear

We are looking for her own master!

We hope that they will be lucky and they will be found by their originally masters or a more perfect and more responsible new masters. It is always a huge delight, if we can find a new home for one of our protégés and we are glad to have a new information and pictures of them. Here comes some funny, sweet and smiling news about our former protégés.

Infusion or Dió, is living its life as a pig. Its master started to discover some similarity in one of the main characters of Lion King and in his puppy when just Dió was only in puppyhood.

However, it got sure for today that Dió is a result of a love between a springer spaniel and a pig, that means it is a „Sprinpig”.

Csoki Bueno is living in the second family, though it seems that this community is tougher and they appreciate much better the ungainly Bueno, because they send us these sweet,
family pictures:

We got pictures of Füge and we could think that he/she is taking care of the pizza, but it would be a big mistake of us. Füge is not interested in pizza, but the oven can make him warm after an all day long walk or dogschool activity. Füge is a real frosty saint, after the programme above he/she sticks to the oven (which he/she tried to slip into in an unguarded moment) or to the radiator and if these things aren’t near to him/her, just shows slightly that she/he would stick to somebody as a heating bleed and if it can’t work, he/she just covers him/herself in the basket.

Finally, there is something cute for today. Birs, the head-mare of the NOÉ’s stud, Főnök and Boss are in a gloomy afternoon by NOÉ.

P.S. You came in a huge amount of people to us last Saturday to walk with dogs and caress all of my protégés. We don’t know, if it was thanks to the advertisement of web diary, or it just happened, but we are really thankful for you in behalf of our protégés and we hope that the upcoming Saturdays will be such active.


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