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The latest news on Pipetta :)

Dear Angels, here are some of the latest news on the current state of our dog Pipetta!

Pipetta has been recovering in the hospital of our animal shelter for approximately 2 weeks now. Her stitches have been removed and the wound is healing nicely. She will have to be wearing the external fixator for 8 weeks to stabilise her bones.

Besides, Pipetta needs to stay calm in a dog kennel, not to strain her injured leg.

She gets a new bandage twice a week, which simply means putting some cotton wool on the fixator and stabilise it with a cover bandage.

She behaves well when we put the bandage on but there is fear in her eyes because the cone disturbs her. However, she needs to wear it no matter what. We don’t want the metal parts to move when she starts chewing or licking to heal herself.

All in all, Pipetta is doing good, she’s recovering and we do our best to make this as quick and smooth as possible for her. By the way, we should have named her after an opera diva since she loves to sing arias and sounds sometimes like a siren, which entertains not only us but herself as well. :)

We’re looking forward to telling you the news about her after the metal parts were removed. :)


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