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Injured guinea pig thrown out on street

This poor little piggie was found last week in the XVIII. district.

Of course he was instantly taken to the hospital, even into the best hands: to Dr. Georgina Papp.

Unfortunalety there aren't good news about him. His overall condition is disappointing, the good news are he is eating nicely with good appetite. He drinks a lot, that's we aren't really happy about. His leg is a catastrophe due to his "air-cushion" oedema. The biggest problem is all his lymph nodes being swollen anormously - and that is really, really bad.

The presumed diagnose is distressing: lymphoma. We are now waiting for the results of the citology and trust to the best.

By emergency care he was given a bath and his hair cut. Of course he didn't enjoy it much, but the dirt that came off his fur would have reflected credit upon even a really huge bunch of pigs.
The whole animal is an expressive example of the human carelessness and meanness.

So Angels, keep your fingers crossed for this sweet, nice piglet to be able to live a few more great years in a loving, responsible family. We will keep on reporting about his situation and the result of the citology.


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