A car run over an old male dog on Friday at the border of Csepel. No chip or any individual identifier. The bones in both of his hind legs burst; we couldn't get him to operable condition…
We do not know if he was scared by the fireworks and the fear led him under a car or he was living on his own for a longer tiem. Anyhow… no chip, no individual identifier, huge tumor on his leg and he was just alone at the streets in his elderly age… unfortunately He was not a dog of an responsible owner.
We do not know your name, where did you come from, where did you go, did you have a nice life. We could not do anything else for you but we just tried to make your life easier in the very last days… we are not going to forget You, be happy over there, it is clearly seems you have been a beautiful dog. Rest in peace
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