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Pötyi, the begining of a beautiful friendship

As you know NOÉ Pet home is not a temporary host or in some cases the home for dogs and cats but we shelter around 30-35 species.

That’s how Pötyi, the duck came to our place (not more than two years ago). A “crazy” couple took it to the Pet home. They are vets and they brought food every day for the duck.

Fortunately they seemed crazier than us.

As time was passing by it turned out that these vets are dr. Mátyás Liptovszky and his wife dr. Georgina Papp who are fond of not only the sick duck but also rodents, rabbits and any other creatures that need help, for e.g. exotic animals. That’s how they became the exotic vets of NOÉ Pet home. As we usually do, we are fond of such “crazy people” We can’t say
thank you enough occasions when they were helping us.

Our pledge is Pötyi, the duck who has arthritis in it’s leg. Now it is back to the vets because of this illness, but we are waiting for it to come back!

You can see a video HERE!


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