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Deers in the shelter

We got a call from the Police department in Budaörs. They were prociding in a different case, in Páty at a home. During their work they found two deers who were kept illegally. Due to legislation all deers that can be hunted are owned by the Hungarian State. You can keep them in detention just with special license, you can by them from an official place and you must have a certificate about their origin. The owner of the house couldn’t show any certificates, so he was charged with stealing among other things. He said the deers are around two years old. The doe was brought up by his hands and the roebuck was bought because he wanted to have small deers later on.

It’s not only forbidden, but life-threatening to keep a roebuck. The sexually active roebucks are attacking anything or anybody especially in breeding season. They don’t respect anything. The antler of this roebuck was saw off, but he is still dangerous.

First the Hunter society, the hunter authority was asked by the police for help. Unfortunately these societies wouldn’t really care of the tame or semi-tame deer’s. It is because it’s impossible to let them back to the nature. The animals would possibly make troubles or cause any damage for people or other animals.

The next possibility was the Budakeszi Vadaspark (The Wildlife Park in Budakeszi), but there is a lack of quarantine. In any case of trouble it’s not surprising that NOÉ Pet Home is the solution. As usually we run there for the deer’s. That’s how the NOÉ family got bigger with two deer’s.

The two beautiful animals are in quarantine now, so they can’t be visited. We have to create a special place for them where they can live in peace and in security. Unfortunately it’s not excluded that they are nor just two but three. We will see it soon!


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