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Collecting signatures on paper in Europe for banning animal experimentations!

Our animal shelter is absolutely supporting the citizens’ initiative which can help to ban animal experimentations in the EU. If you are against animal experiments your only task is to sign the initiative either online the following link or in the shelter in person.

Article 13 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union states “the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals”. The official acknowledgement, referred to therein, carries over the moral obligation to respect the fundamental rights of animals: the protection of those rights must be recognized as a European Union priority and must be guaranteed through the medium of a coherent legal framework at European level. Imposing pain and suffering to sentient and defenceless beings, animal experimentation- or vivisection - is, without a shadow of a doubt, to be considered as an intolerable practice.
Ethical reasons – shared, inter alia, by 86% of European citizens, as indicated in a 2006 Eurobarometer survey – are supported by scientists, claiming a lack of scientific validity in using “animal models” for assessing human health issues; indeed, any statistics prove the efficiency and the reliability of the model referred to therein. Animal experimentation can therefore be considered as:
a danger for human health and the environment;
a brake on development of new methods in biomedical research, based on the most recent scientific achievements;
an obstacle to tap into much more reliable, exhaustive, cheaper and faster responses, provided by new technologies expressly conceived for humans.
In consideration of the above premises, we, the undersigned European citizens, urge the European Commission to abrogate the directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
We therefore call upon the European Commission to present a new proposal geared to doing away with animal experimentation, by the compulsory use - in biomedical and toxicological research - of data specifically conceived for humans and not for animals.

The initiative STOP VIVISECTION was born following vibrant and numerous European citizens' protests against the approval of Directive 2010/63/EU (said on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes). Such a directive did not trigger the abolition of animal experimentation as set forth in the European Treaties, whereby European Union policies must take into account animals' needs and wellness, as sentient beings. Additionally, animal experimentation constitutes a serious danger for human health as animal testing do not have any predictive values for human being and impede development of new methods in biomedical research.

From 1st April 2012, thanks to Citizens' Initiative, European citizens - with 1 million signatures - can take part in legislative decision making process of the European Union.
By the means of such a new instrument, the European Commission is compelled to analyse citizens' requests within three months after the deposit of the signatures. The European Commission is therefore in charge to organise a public hearing of the steering committee and subsequently release a communication, explaining how it intends to act.

On 25th April 2012 STOP VIVISECTION has been introduced at the European Commission registry
On 22nd June 2012 Confirmation of the registration by the European Commission and launch of signature-collecting-process
On 1th November 2013 Closure of signature-collecting-process
From the beginning of 2014 (approximate date) Public hearing at the European Parliament and communication from the European Commission


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