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Farwell - pet cremation

A link between Heaven and Earth: The Bridge over the rainbow

What a cute, small pet who is in need of alms when we get to know him. And later he is in need of alms again when we let him go for his last route. If we are lucky we can spend 16 years or more with him in health, love, playing games. It’s lovely when he is purring. When we need a shoulder to cry on he comes and snuggling. It’s understandable if we would give him honors because he was also a member of the family. It’s a tough stage when we lose our beloved pets.

Many people don’t have the opportunity to bury their pets in their own garden or in the favorite place of the pet. But they know they don’t want to leave the corpse by the vet.
In the Pet Home the rules were strict so it was heart breaking but we let the corpse by the vet or annihilate them. I don’t want anyone to know how hard is to leave the cold corpse which is soaked by our tears on the examination table of the vet. It is also heart braking to see when it is taken away in a sack for the annihilation and we know that the pet wouldn’t get the honor. We know this experience and for avoiding this we offer the piety cremation in the Pet home. In this way hosts can say farwell for their dogs, cats, rodents, birds or reptiles in and honoring way.

The crematiation is in our crematory in a calm environment. Hosts can wait until the ashes are put into the urn. After arranging everything we help you to come with your pet to our place. The crematiation takes one or two hours depending on the weight and the size of the pet. The appliance works still without any noise or smoke or odour contamination is a closed building. It is used just for this purpose only.

The area of NOAH Pet Home
Budapest, 17th district, Csordakút Road (138634/1 hrsz)
Phone: (non-stop): 0620/479-01-11
Please call us in any case to arrange the details!


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