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Renike's 365 days

Dear Noé,

My name is Renike. It has almost been a year since I don't live at the shelter. I hope you are all doing good. Let me tell you what happened to me since:

I am saying good bye and on my way to my new home.:) Still afraid a bit but very hopefull at the same time.

I was afraid of dogs so he became my first friend…. :)

My owner kept saying that I am not the one who ruins the flowers. Unfortunately I was caught so nobody beleived them. :)

A hard day in this cold weather. :) Lot of stress because the temperature dropped under 35 celcius.

I also need to mention about me that I was taught my owner that if She gives me sausages than I will do the following things:
- come back
- behave
- shake hands
- sit
- beg

I live in house with a garden but I wouldn't miss out on the evening walks. Since I give the best muscle workout in the neighbourhood.
I just wanted to let you know that THANKS. If you weren't there for me than none of this would have come true.
So take care!

Yours trully,


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