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Dog Log 06.08-12.08.2012

This week’s webdiary starts with a happy picture about Pyrus (a.k.a. Gülcsike), about whom everybody thought that he would be sent back within a week. Well, he hasn’t been sent back yet and they aren’t planning to do it. They have rather tamed this little trouble maker and they even taught him how to ride a bike…ok, how to travel behind the owner.

I owe you a picture about Gazsi, the horse who was placed at a temporary owner:

Of corse we have new animals as well.
Parittya is an about one year old mixed male dog. He was found severaly injured on his back leg at the ALDI in Halásztelek. His injury was probably caused by a hit and run and it’s not a fresh wound. Parittya is quite young so he will probably heal completely. At the moment we are looking for his ORIGINAL owner.

Bukósisak is an about 1-2 years old dachshund male dog. He joined to the workers at Isaszeg’s army base in April 2012. The workers felt sorry for him and looked after him and when they realized that he wasn’t well they asked for our help because they couldn’t take care of him at weekends. It was probably babesiosis and he got his treatment. He feels much better now and it turned out that his relationship with other dogs is not very good but he gets on well with humans. At the moment we are looking for his ORIGINAL owner.

Our new grandpa’ on the farmyard is Ugar.
This old dachshund style male doggy arrived from Vác Green Shelter. He is at least 12 years old, he doesn’t really communicate with anybody but sometimes stops for a stroke or a word. When he smells a female dog he pins his ears back, his tale is in the air and he starts to court ( just like Szulibácsi).
He doesn’t really have a chance to find an owner as he is old, mixed, black but we hope that he will have a few nice years in our Pensioner’s Club.
When you are on the farmyard, stop and give him a stroke or say a few nice words to him.

A new pig has arrived: Bori. She had to leave her home because he bullied the family’s two dogs and they were afraid that the dogs would attack back. She is a nice, eight months old minipig who gets on well with people and can walk on leash.

A new injured crow arrived at our aviary:

At the end of May a dog’s picture spread on the interner who needed help because he lived in a small, dark place on the top of his own faeces. A lot of comments and shares followed the movement and everybody felt sorry. NOAH’s Animal Shelter’s Minimenhely section wanted to do something but we were informed that the problem had been solved and they didn’t need our help.
On this Monday we got the information that things didn’t go very well and the dog was still on that small, smelly place although a lot of animal lovers helped him by words. After the notification we checked the situation. The only difference was that there was less faeces and some of his dirty hair was cut. We made our decision: he couldn’t stay there…
On Tuesday morning we brought out Misa from his prison with the help of Szomorú Szív Animal saving service. He is a huge but kind and friendly, about six years old komondor- Caucasian mix male dog. At the moment he is spending his compulsary quarantine and we make up for his missing vactinations. We are trying to get rid of his millions of fleas and clean his dog coat. There will also be a medical check up and he will be spayed as well. Misa is being looked after by our MiniMenhely.

Misa is happy in his new, free life. He is a sweet, charming, huge teddy bear who isn’t aware of his size and jumps on people like he would be a chihuahua. When we see him happily running towards us we try to stay on our feet but sometimes it doesn’t work out very well. And he doesn’t understand what kind of new play we are playing on the ground. As he can’t join us he jumps away. So he is an adorable hairball!

After the dry spell adopters started to surface in the shelter again and we are very happy about it. Our two beagle dogs, Tangó and Tanga moved to their new owners. Fortunately we managed to adopt them together so they can live their life together 

A puppy from the Horgáz family: Amúr

Our lama, Peru had a medical check up in narcotism. Previously we had tried to convince him but he hadn’t liked the situation, he had made us leave his kenel by huge kicks and spitting.
Some skin samples were taken from his sick ear and his balls were ultrasounded as one of it wasn’t seen and for the spaying operation we have to know its position. As it turned our he has it but it’s only as big as a cat’s ball. This isn’t good news for Peru but good for us as his operation will be easier.

Our Debi horse had an uterus examination. Unfortunately his womb is still inflamminated. In the left side of the picture you can see the sterile infuion what was used to wash through her womb, in the right side what came out from her uterus. Her treatment keeps going on.

We received two pallets of dog and cat donation from Germany this week. Many thanks for our German friends!
(Of course our audit Committee, Poki and Radar couldn’t miss the party)

On weekdays or at weeknends a lot of people come to our Shelter bringing a bag or can of dog or cat food, medication etc. As we are very busy we sometimes forget to say thank you to everybody but you have to know that without your help we would be in trouble. Many thanks to everybody who supports our work! We receive medication via mail as an answer for our requests on facebook or in webdiary. Thank you 

Our horse rescue project needs big sized, strong yellow blacks. The winter hay’s first delivery arrived and we want to cover that so it won’t get mildew. Hay will be terribly expensive this year because of spring drought so we don’t want to loose any of it. We have to cover about 100 square meters at the moment and some hay will arrive later.
We would like to ask anybody who has unworned yellow black and can help us, find Juli on

We’ve made a new-old dog’s introductory video, we want to introduce Korsó Vanília:

Vanília was adopted from us when she was a puppy. She is a beautiful two years old female dog now. Her owners brought her back because she climbs fences no matter how tall they are.

We want to thank Laci, one of our enthusiastic voluntaries for these promotion videos. He helps the adoption of our dogs by them.

And a cute picture at the end: little ducks were born here. It’s difficult to take a photo of them because they hide under their mother as soon as they see us.


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