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The new cat yard is ready at NOÉ Animal Shelter

A cat yard and rehabilitation centre of European standards will be handed over at NOÉ Animal Shelter (Budapest, 17th district, the end of Csordakút street) on 20 June 2011 at 12.00. Celebrities like Dóra Mészáros, Peti Puskás, Jani Vadon and VV Olivér will move the cats to their new home at the official opening.

The colleagues of the Foundation created a place for their cat protégés where the animals can be at a warm, dry place. At the same time their residence is surrounded by a fenced, safe and natural yard in order for them to enjoy nature that is so important for them. The cats will have almost luxury circumstances in the huge yards. Also there are cat houses, benches, a rock garden and some thujas that provide shadow.

The situation of cats in Hungary today is worse than dogs’ if that is possible. Huge masses live and reproduce uncontrollably on the streets. Unfortunately NOÉ Animal Shelter cannot help everyone either but faithful to their principle they never leave an animal in trouble, in life-threatening situation or with sickness in the lurch. Hundreds of cats are estimated to suffer from animal cruelty or neglect every year.

The accepted and treated animals are spayed or castrated and vaccinated in every single case and of course the final goal is adoption. Our volunteers visit schools and kindergartens regularly and groups are also welcomed at the Animal Shelter to have presentations about neutering and prevention.

This establishment of European standards serves not only as residence for the cats in need but operates as a sort of rehabilitation centre as well for scared, antisocial cats. So this way such animals can be adopted, who had no chance before.


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