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Dog Log 05.30-06.05.2011

If anytime, then surely on this week we can say it is puppy season! Newer and newer little ones keep coming. Our quarantine spaces are full, we are puzzling our brains what to do, but in the end something always happens. But how long? They are in danger... unvaccinated... parvovirus swept over in the animal shelter in the last puppy season. No way can the virus be extirpated in such a short period.

Then let’s see who are the new comers – almost all of them are puppies!

Banzai (Banzáj in Hungarian) is an about 4 month old female dog with black – brown tabby, white spotting, semi-long fur, probably spaniel – dachshund mix, who was found in Isaszeg, when she went to a family by mistake. She is very friendly and playful, immediately joined the family’s dogs and invited them for a game, who welcomed her happily and friendly. Banzai changes her teeth right now. She was full of fleas. She got vermifuge, flea medicine and microchip; we have started her vaccination program.

Banzai insists on dog company, therefore we definitely recommend her as a second dog. As she is still young, one must count with some losses, as she will most probably chew/ruin things (eg.: shoes, slippers, garden taps). She is very active, therefore we would recommend her to a family taking lots of excursions/doing much walking. Despite of her young age she vehemently guards the house, barks if a stranger comes. This may not be a positive thing in a condominium, therefore she is primarily recommended to house with garden, but of course with the possibility to live in the house.

Vándor in Hungarian) is an about 8 week old, male puppy. He literally ran to and fro in the middle of the main road 4 between cars. Our volunteers had to stop the traffic on the main road. He will most probably be a dog with big body.

Martin is an about 6-7 week old female puppy of fur. She lacks one of her ears. She was put out in Maglód in the Tompa Street.

Smink is a black female puppy, about 7 weeks old, who was left in
front of the animal shelter.
She is a very lovely and sweet dog, with nice character and special markings on her fur.

Centi is an about 6-7 week old mixed-breed little girl, who was thrown out in the 16th District at the Centenárium residential area.
She has got immediately everyone’s favourite with her lovely face, nice and clinging character. She is indeed very young; she has just stopped on mother’s milk feeding.

We have started their vaccination program, which shall be ended by the future owner. All puppies are offered for adoption with chips, but with the obligation of vaccinating and neutering.

Rickshaw (Riksa in Hungarian) is a probably purebred German shepherd female dog, about 8 years old. We rescued her from the city pound of Vác. She had gotten there with spine problems, but already underwent operation. She starts her rehabilitation by us. We do not know the prospects, but do hope for her recovery.

We have also good news, as several dogs have been adopted.

Csibuk has been adopted.

Joshy will be kept by its temporary recipient.


Ziziphus has got very sick in the last few days, but the owner candidate still take him. From now on he can be recovering in Finland.

It is always a pleasure if a lost dog can return to the original owner, but this week even two veterans could manage to go home.

We have had a hunch, that Plantain (Útilapu in Hungarian) is really old, and indeed, this old lady is 15 years old, but as soon as she met her owner, she started dancing as she were a young girl. She did not communicate during the days she spent at us, but beside her owner she bravely gave kisses and give friendly flippers.

Blanka, the 13 year old German shepherd lady returned home as happily as Plantain.

Of course, both of them got a chip as well.

We had to say goodbye to our beautiful horse, Rozvita. Despite of our fight during the last months, we lost this battle.
Our wonderful Rozi is galloping up and down now over the rainbow, and is grazing healthy and happily on the green, lush grazing lands. Be happy, beauty, we all miss you here.

Our little sousliks have now really started to grow. They are naughty, eating, drinking the whole day long. Soon the time will come when we have to say goodbye to them, but until then they will bring some funny moments to their caretakers.

Not only little kitties, doggies, and little souskils we have, but plenty of nestlings have arrived as well.

These days we have two really special downy-feathery creatures that we take care. One of them is a common buzzard nestling.

The other is a downy owl.

As soon as we can, we would like to let them free.

We are in a huge trouble, as we had to say goodbye to one of our true, old friend. On a morning an old inhabitant of our animal shelter, our old refrigerator container gave up the fight and passed away . We could only store the donated meat we got in this container; 1-2 fridges are just not enough for that. As the hot weather is here, we would insure a life long work and estimation to a similar container that no one needs. If you know of one, please contact us ASAP at Thank you!

The solicitation for contributions to Linda, the grey baboon’s run is still going on.
We request those, who can contribute even with a smaller amount, please do so, to help Linda move in to her new home.

Our bank account number:

For transfers from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
Bank name / address: OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

In the remarks field please insert: Linda.

The Foundation’s colleagues give continuous information about the preparation works, construction, Linda’s moving in and every day life on the facebook at Linda’s own site:
According to the plans Linda can move in to her new home in the summer.

If we unite, for us it is only 1-2 thousand forint, but for Linda it is a new life!

Video by Meister Natália.

From one of our dear supporter, Bányai Dóri we have received a film, which she made herself. No matter how many times I watch it, I always find a kind friend. Thank you, Dóri

by Kinga


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