If you have questions about Bercel Balár, please send an e-mail to !
The San Lazaro Animal Welfare Foundation received a report that several people from the bus had seen some baby dogs in the forest between Bercel and Vanyarc. Several cars arrived on the scene within a few minutes, but unfortunately the puppies were not found that day or the next day or the third day. Then someone saw them again and finally managed to get the little team to safety.
The 2 girls and 3 boys were given the surname Bercel. Everyone can find their favourite because they have different looks. Some black, tricolour, black/white, slightly dachshund and so on. One thing is for sure, they need to be cuddled, they love to be cuddled. What is to be expected, poo/pee in unexpected places and the usual puppyish mischief...
We have started their vaccination programme and will continue it, they are chipped and can be adopted with the obligation to spay/neuter them, which must be done by the specified time and will be very strictly monitored! We adopt puppies in Budapest and within a 30 km radius.
To inquire about them and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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