If you have questions about Tibeti Theo, please send an e-mail to !
Although the dogs are still evidence in an investigation, the time has come to find temporary adopters for them. What does this mean? You can be a FOSTER HOME to prepare them for life, but you can also be their FOREVER HOME.
Tibeti Theo came to the shelter from the rescue in Zalaszegvár. He may be known by many, as the hair on his back was completely torn off. He needed treatment, but has now healed nicely and is growing his fur back.
If you are interested please send a detailed letter of introduction to info@noeallatotthon.hu.
You can meet them in person on Sundays between 9am and 1pm at the Noah's Animal Shelter in Szergény.
More pictures
A Tetszik gomb eléréséhez sütik engedélyezése szükséges.