If you have questions about Ausztrál Vesta, please send an e-mail to !
Although the Aussies are still a evidence in an investigation, the time has come to find temporary homes for them. What does this mean? You can be a TRAINING FAMILY who prepares you for life, but you can also be their FOREVER HOME 🥰
Australian Vesta
He arrived from the Csönge puppy farm, there were three of them in a kennel. Just catching them was not easy, Vesta is very tricky. He takes the reward from our hand, but won't let himself be petted yet. He is curious, but his rehabilitation will be long and difficult.
We are looking for a family who will help him learn that the human hand can do more than just hurt!
If you feel you are up for the challenge, we welcome a detailed letter of introduction to info@noeallatotthon.hu or private message!
You can also meet them in person at the Noé Animal shelter in Szergény on Sundays between 9am and 1pm!

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